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seluruh badan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "seluruh badan"
  • seluruh:    all over; entire; hook; line and sinker; overall;
  • badan:    body; bod; material body; human body; physical
  • katal seluruh badan:    itch all over
  • sakit seluruh badan:    ache all over
  • seluruh badan gemetar:    all of tremble
  • seluruh:    all over; entire; hook; line and sinker; overall; throughout; whole throng of; all; pan-; through; whole; full; world-wide; every; thoroughly; planetary; total; thorough; complete; worldwide; perfec
  • badan:    body; bod; material body; human body; physical body; torso; consistence; trunk; eubstance; corpus; physical; anatomy; consistency; organisation; physical structure; corpse; physique; form; flesh; so
  • atas seluruh:    upon the whole
  • berkeliling seluruh:    go through all
  • di seluruh:    through all; all through; over; throughout; everywhere; anywhere
  • gambaran seluruh:    complete picture; whole picture
  • ke seluruh:    round
  • kepada seluruh:    to the whole
  • seluruh bagian:    whole part
  • seluruh bandar:    whole city
  • That thing's got alien tattoos all over it.
    Ada simbol alien di seluruh badan pesawat itu.
  • So, Vijay Salgaonkar mocked the entire police department.
    Jadi, Vijay Salgaonkar Sudah melecehkan seluruh Badan Kepolisian.
  • I got fucking black ink all over fuck boy.
    Gua siram tinta di seluruh badan tuh bocah.
  • It's the mental equivalent of the full body massage.
    ini sama dengan pijat seluruh badan, tapi untuk otak.
  • I'll get a full-figure shot. - Oh, yes.
    Aku mau ambil foto seluruh badan.
  • He's got it all over his body.
    Dia buat di seluruh badan dia.
  • She had bruises all over her body.
    dia telah memar seluruh badan nya.
  • I'm going to nail it all over Mr. Bong's body!
    Aku akan memaku nya ke seluruh badan Mr. Bong!
  • Head to toe, tattoos all over..
    Kepala sampai kaki, tato di seluruh badan..
  • Small black spots cover the whole body.
    Bulu berwarna putih menutupi seluruh badan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5